Nextjs 15 new version release

Tuesday, October 22, 2024


Nextjs 15 new version release

In this blog

Nextjs 15 latest version in nextjs. Nextjs 15 and React 19 RC are support. The Next.js 15 Release Candidate (RC) is now available

    Nextjs 15 latest version in nextjs. Nextjs 15 and React 19 RC are support. The Next.js 15 Release Candidate (RC) is now available New Feature

    1. Next.js 15 Support for the React 19 RC, React Compiler (Experimental).
    2. Partial Prerendering (Experimental):New Layout and Page config option for incremental
    3. Caching:fetch requests, GET Route Handlers, and client navigation are no longer cached by default 4.New create-next-app Features: Try run command cmd

    npm install next@rc react@rc react-dom@rc

    update nextjs 14 to 15

    npm i next@rc react@rc react-dom@rc eslint-config-next@rc